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Manage and automate file and meta-data streams


Integrates and supports DAM and workflow solutions for corporations, agencies, digital and electronic media, printing and publishing, healthcare providers and research, governmental and educational institutions worldwide

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Upload files

Scan a file-Storage location and upload the files into your DAM

For dropfolders or migration. scallable: single or multi-threaded


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Set meta data

Set metadata from file-name, folders, text-files like xml, json, csv

Simple text-values or parsed values or conversion lookup tables

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D.A.M. | M.A.M. | P.I.M.

Keep track of your metadata and take appropriate action

For imcomplete metadata or expiration data or triggers

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Connectors facilitate the acces to different sources and targets

FTP, SQL, Cloud like Sharepoint, Amazon, Azure.... anything with an API


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Web-Interface framework

Comes with a webinterface framework to facilitate a user-interface

Interact with user via customer web-interface. E.g. Approval

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Notify users about events, changes, new assets, expiration

Reports can be plain text, csv, Excel, PDF or simple mail

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Create connections between several of your content storages

Connecting P.I.M. with your D.A.M. or an SQL database with your D.A.M.

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Saas or On premise

Available as SAAS solution or installed on your own infrastructure

Saas available on several cloud platforms: Azure, Amazon,....

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Comes with a scripting language to fine-tune processes to your requirements

The script can be completely customized in an easy WEB-GUI

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Execute scripts on demand or on time interval or on a fixed time

Scheduler takes care of executing the scripts on their predefined interval

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The processes can be scalled to the available recources

Thanks to the mulit-threading of the scripts, the processes can be optimized to maximise the use of the available rescources

  • What is the DAMToolkit Content Manager?
    The Content Manager is a web interface in which user are offered additional functionalities to manage the meta-data of the assets in their DAM
  • What is the DAMToolkit Direct
    The Direct module facilitates the configuration of web-hooks/call-back/web-bots
  • For which DAM Systems do you have a connector
    The list of connectors grows every month. 4AllPortal Bynder Canto Saas Cumulus Fylr/EasyDB Kadanza NetX Pixelboxx WoodWing Elvis Any Web-API (REST,SOAP,RPC,...) can be configured to become a connector

Looking for a demo or need a quote

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