Manage and automate file and meta-data streams
Integrates and supports DAM and workflow solutions for corporations, agencies, digital and electronic media, printing and publishing, healthcare providers and research, governmental and educational institutions worldwide
Upload files
Scan a file-Storage location and upload the files into your DAM
For dropfolders or migration. scallable: single or multi-threaded
Set meta data
Set metadata from file-name, folders, text-files like xml, json, csv
Simple text-values or parsed values or conversion lookup tables
D.A.M. | M.A.M. | P.I.M.
Keep track of your metadata and take appropriate action
For imcomplete metadata or expiration data or triggers
Connectors facilitate the acces to different sources and targets
FTP, SQL, Cloud like Sharepoint, Amazon, Azure.... anything with an API
Web-Interface framework
Comes with a webinterface framework to facilitate a user-interface
Interact with user via customer web-interface. E.g. Approval
Notify users about events, changes, new assets, expiration
Reports can be plain text, csv, Excel, PDF or simple mail
Create connections between several of your content storages
Connecting P.I.M. with your D.A.M. or an SQL database with your D.A.M.
Saas or On premise
Available as SAAS solution or installed on your own infrastructure
Saas available on several cloud platforms: Azure, Amazon,....
Comes with a scripting language to fine-tune processes to your requirements
The script can be completely customized in an easy WEB-GUI
Execute scripts on demand or on time interval or on a fixed time
Scheduler takes care of executing the scripts on their predefined interval
The processes can be scalled to the available recources
Thanks to the mulit-threading of the scripts, the processes can be optimized to maximise the use of the available rescources
What is the DAMToolkit Content Manager?The Content Manager is a web interface in which user are offered additional functionalities to manage the meta-data of the assets in their DAM
What is the DAMToolkit DirectThe Direct module facilitates the configuration of web-hooks/call-back/web-bots
For which DAM Systems do you have a connectorThe list of connectors grows every month. 4AllPortal Bynder Canto Saas Cumulus Fylr/EasyDB Kadanza NetX Pixelboxx WoodWing Elvis Any Web-API (REST,SOAP,RPC,...) can be configured to become a connector